Pictures of buildings mentioned in the second edition “Suffolk” volume of “The Buildings of England” series by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner.
The only building mentioned, other than the Church, is Bedfield Hall (p95 of second edition) and that is in brackets - which means it was added to the second edition. The entry says simply: “Late C16. With two ornamental plaster ceilings”. It is in a Saxon village adjacent to the Church but away from centre of village.
This website does not cover Churches as there is another good sites for Suffolk Churches but dukes and earls of Suffolk are of interest. Notes in the Church say that the tower contains the arms of William de Ufford, 2nd earl of Suffolk (c1339 - 82). the Uffords were the patrons of Eye Priory which held the manor of Bedfield. The Ufford arms are also on the font of c1400.
Here is a view of the Hall from the Church:

and here from the rear:

and finally a detail of the front porch: