Pictures of buildings mentioned in the second edition “Suffolk” volume of “The Buildings of England” series by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner.
As well as the Church (not on this site but here) the only mention from the the original 1961 edition is the Metcalfe Almshouses. The 1974 edition added some C15 iron fencing, Hawstead Place and Hammond’s Farmhouse. I only had time to get the Almhouses as I passed one drizzly evening. I suspect finding the fencing might need a week’s holiday and Hawstead Place was beyond view in grounds. Hammond’s was along a different road to the one I took.
So, in the 1974 edition of Pevsner, of the almshouses he says: “Metcalfe Almshouses. 1811. A hungry-looking job of grey bricks, two storeys high and eleven bays wide, castellated and with pointed windows. The two middle doorways are taken together under one ogee arch - the one plum in the cake.”
Here is the general view:

with the detail of the inscription here: