Pictures of buildings mentioned in the second edition “Suffolk” volume of “The Buildings of England” series by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner.
Just the one entry after the Church. Pevsner says "Thorpe Hall. An unusual and impressive house, by its style of c1560, and in its shape almost as if it were a hunting lodge or summer house or standing. Red brick with brick windows. Three bays by two. Two storeys with a three-storeyed gabled centre projection which holds the porch on the N side, and may have held the staircase on the S. End chimneystacks with four circular chimneys with star tops. All the windows are of brick and have mullions and transomes, and still arched lights (cf Kentwell Hall, Long Melford). Also all the windows have pediments (cf Old Somerset House London, Melford Hall, Rushbrooke Hall)".