Pictures of buildings mentioned in the second edition “Suffolk” volume of “The Buildings of England” series by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner.
As well as the Church (not on this site but here) the only mention is of Ousden Hall.
In the 1974 edition, page 388, Pevsner says of it:
“Demolished 1955, except for the C18 Dovecote and the Clock Tower”. All that is true but there was also a surviving stable block which has since been converted into an elegant house: this is given more prominence in the third edition.
Here is the C18 Dovecote (on a wet afternoon the sun came out for this one):

and here is the Clock Tower (in the rain):

with another view:

and the same side with a longer view along a crinkle-crankle hedge

and the restored and extensively extended stable block (including added pediment), now a house, with nearby Clock Tower:

More information about the old Hall, demolished in 1955 can be found in Lost Country Houses of Suffolk - see bibliography.