Pictures of buildings mentioned in the second edition “Suffolk” volume of “The Buildings of England” series by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner.
Pevsner Edition 2 has two entries in addition to the Church. The first for the Hall and the second for a bridge.
Of Great Thurlow Hall Pevsner says "A handsome mid-Georgian building, recently well restored and altered. It is now plastered but originally had its red brick exposed. Original W front of five bays with giant Ionic pilasters and pediment. The N front is not in its original form". James Bettley's third Edition expands on this "Three fronts of five bayswith slightly projecting three-bay pedimented centres. Only the SW front, with giant Ionic pilasters, is in its original state. The SE front has two single-storey canted bays added in the late C19 or early C20. On the NW front the entrance was remodelled in the 1950s and the porch, with coupled Ionic columns, reduced in width." Photographs follow:
Of Great Thurlow Hall Pevsner says "A handsome mid-Georgian building, recently well restored and altered. It is now plastered but originally had its red brick exposed. Original W front of five bays with giant Ionic pilasters and pediment. The N front is not in its original form". James Bettley's third Edition expands on this "Three fronts of five bayswith slightly projecting three-bay pedimented centres. Only the SW front, with giant Ionic pilasters, is in its original state. The SE front has two single-storey canted bays added in the late C19 or early C20. On the NW front the entrance was remodelled in the 1950s and the porch, with coupled Ionic columns, reduced in width." Photographs follow:



Pevsner says of the bridge "With simple but attractive cast-iron balustrade, probably c1830". The third edition adds the useful local information that the bridge is by R. Garrett & Son of Leiston, 1851.