Pictures of buildings mentioned in the second edition “Suffolk” volume of “The Buildings of England” series by Sir Nikolaus Pevsner.
Wickham Market is a small town just off the A12 north of Woodbridge. It rates a "perambulation" but of only 12 lines. After the church, Pevsner says "The church lies to the S of the square, here called The Hill. To reach it one passes one stately yellow brick house of seven bays with pedimented doorways on Tuscan pilasters" Seen here:

Continuing: "In The Hill the principal building is the White Hart Hotel, with a late Georgian nine-bay front of red brick, not too regular, and a funnyIonic porch". Seen here:

Then: "Opposite is Hill house, also late Georgian of grey brick." Seen here:

"On the N side two timber-framed houses". Seen here:

All this is small fry, and so is what else can be mentioned on the road leading down to the mill. There are the occasional orderly Georgian fronts and pedimented doorways, and at the end the picturesque group of Mill and Miller's house". Seen here: